About Dragon Lens.
A Word From the Owner.
"Camera technology has come a long way since 1827 and the production of the heliograph ‘View from the Window’ by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce. This took 8 hours to produce, (and although the resulting image was a bit blurry), it was the start of Photography as we know it!
Today the ability to ‘capture a moment’ is at most people’s fingertips. The introduction of Digital photography has simplified the production of an image even further. Enhance a digital camera with wings or propellers and you have a drone! Advance that technology further and place it in the hands of an experienced and qualified pilot, the possibilities become extensive!
When you then factor in my personal decades of experience within mixed industries, (encompassing Photography, Farming, Forestry and Construction), these possibilities become virtually limitless.
With the benefit of my skillset, I am competent and experienced in knowing exactly what to look for and how to achieve the precise, required images to satisfy the intention of the job."